Finals season is coming up within the next month or so, and now is the time for students to start prepping for these big exams! Between trying to balance your schoolwork, extracurricular activities, and social life, it can be hard to find time to study when you need to. Here are some tips that will help you get the most out of your studying during finals season.
Make a Schedule
Plan out your week to know what days you’re going to study on and for how long. You might want to go through old exams or take practice quizzes beforehand to know what questions will take up the bulk of your time. Don’t leave any studying for the last minute; you’ll want plenty of time to get your notes and thoughts straightened out.
Get Plenty of Sleep
Get plenty of sleep because when you’re tired, everything becomes more demanding than usual. Sleep is also a considerable part of your overall health, and it’s essential to stay at your best health-wise during the finals season. We recommended at least hitting that eight-hour mark before a big exam!
Put Away Distractions
There are so many ways to be distracted these days, so be sure to put away any phone or device that will keep you from studying. Electronics can be incredibly distracting for kids, so if you find yourself losing interest in finals, try to cut down your screen time throughout the day, starting now to be more used to this schedule when test season begins.
Don’t Hesitate To Reach Out For Help
It can be challenging for a student to feel behind in school, so we recommend our tutoring services! From private tutoring to SAT and ACT prep, our expert tutors at Long Island Tutorial Services are here to ensure any student feels confident going into finals season.
Contact LITS Today for Your Tutoring
By helping your student build their knowledge in various subjects, going over practice tests and questions, and working on their test-taking skills, they will feel more confident and ready than ever before taking this crucial exam. Their test scores will reflect just that! Contact us today to learn more.
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